LinkedIn Learning Recognizes Bixa's Market Research Course as "Most In-Demand Skills"


How do you recession-proof your career? LinkedIn Learning believes it has the answer—by strengthening your skills in the most “in-demand” areas in business today. 

Recently, LinkedIn recognized Bixa’s Market Research Fundamentals course as a way to learn one of the most in-demand skills for professionals (see the LinkedIn blog here). This course – one of only 70 recognized –  has also been featured on CNBC and in Fast Company and Fortune.

Better yet, as a recognized course, LinkedIn Learning is now offering "Market Research Fundamentals” free through March 15! 

LinkedIn Learning is an online platform that gives users access to a vast library of video courses on a wide range of topics. From business and technology to creative and storytelling skills, LinkedIn Learning is one of the most popular online platforms for global professionals.

This accolade highlights Bixa’s leading research and helps professionals figure out not just what their target customers do, but why they do it. 

The “Market Research Fundamentals” course taught by Sarah Weise covers everything from qualitative research techniques to using personas and journey mapping.

This also proves just how important research is in making informed, strategic business decisions – and solidifies the need for professionals to acquire research-minded skills. This course is an excellent resource for anyone looking to develop and hone the qualitative and quantitative techniques today’s marketers need, unlock captivating customer insights, and stay ahead of the ever evolving curve.


Want to see how market research can help your company?

Book a free 30-min consult with a researcher at Bixa below:


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