A Marketer's Christmas List... 5 of My Favorite Things

A version of this post was included in my super-fun weekly email for marketers with tips, tricks and stories. Click here to sign up and never miss out on the fun!

As the holidays approach, the leaves have all fallen, and the crisp air turns to flurries, I think many of us tend to reflect on the year past. Usually, this is a time for holiday parties and cheerful family gatherings and trips to several stores to find the perfect gift. Yet as routines are upended and everyone's yet again confined, it can feel that as each day gets shorter, our patience does too.

It's at these moments that I force myself into gratitude. It's a game I play when I catch myself: "Name 10 things you're grateful for in this moment—go!"


And that's where the idea for this blog post came from. It was just one of those days this week… The Zoom school login wasn't working… again. My kindergartener needed water not in an orange cup, but in a green cup. But not with a green lid, and definitely not the yellow straw. Urgent emails were pouring in, a proposal was due… 


So I stopped myself. Took a breath, and thought: What am I thankful for right now in my business? Though it didn't fix the Zoom problem or the sippy cup dilemma, it did inspire me to write this post! I wanted to share some of my very favorite things that have helped my business tremendously this year…


Understanding how to use funnels this year transformed my business. This $100 30-day training/challenge from Clickfunnels will teach you everything you need to know! You will not regret it.


Things App

No single to-do list ever worked for me in the past. Today, I am so organized with the non-overwhelming help of the Things App - I use both desktop and iPhone app every day. The thing I love most about this app is that you can make lists within lists, but only daily look at your “Today” list. You can move things to days in the future, and they automatically show up on “Today” when the time is right.


Ok, you've heard me rave about Flodesk in the past, but I can rest easy knowing my emails are beautiful and my list is nurtured. Best feeling in the world! This link will give you a no-strings-attached free trial (you don’t have to enter your credit card) and will give you 50% if you choose to buy after the free trial is over: https://flodesk.com/c/SARAHWEISE

Personalized Nutrition Programs + Zoom Gym 

If you’re like me, you spent the first half of COVID cooking and stress-eating. This gym in Alexandria, VA offers totally personalized nutrition programs and live Zoom classes you can do from your living room. I love the energy of this gym, the vibe of staff who truly care, and the ability to support small business during this time.

LinkedIn Learning

I have 3 digital courses on LinkedIn Learning right now (Market Research Foundations, Storytelling, and Generational Design), and will have 3 more coming in 2021. This year, I have gone a little nuts with this online training platform with thousands of courses. I’ve been taking everything from business courses to photography editing courses to sketching/drawing courses, and even architecture courses. I love how this platform encourages learning in so many different areas!

What’s on your marketer Christmas list? Find me on Instagram and let me know!


5 Tips to Craft the Perfect Marketing Story


Post-COVID Playbook (Spoiler Alert: It Does Not Exist)