How Market Research Shaped Netflix's "The Crown" đź‘‘


Anyone here a “Crown” fan? I’ve been addicted to this Netflix series since Season 1. As I watched clips from the royal coronation last week, I was inspired to write a blog post on exactly how binge-worthy shows like “The Crown” and “Stranger Things” actually came directly out of insights from market research!


Picture this: a team of Netflix wizards armed with clipboards, video diary studies, viewer analytics, and survey results. Market research, my red-carpet marketer friends, is the secret sauce that Netflix sprinkles on every one of its content decisions. They have their finger on the pulse of audience preferences, delving into the depths of data and insights to understand exactly what floats our binge-watching boats. From genres to themes, character dynamics to time periods, Netflix knows how to hit that sweet spot that keeps us glued to our screens, and it's all thanks to their savvy market research strategies.

So let me whisk you away on a majestic journey exploring the fascinating intersection of market research and entertainment. Hold onto your coronation hat as we dive into the in’s and out’s of how Netflix's market research-driven approach skyrocketed subscriber numbers and sent revenues soaring… 👑

Let's start by rewinding the royal clock to a time when Netflix sought to conquer the hearts and minds of viewers across the globe. Armed with a team of savvy researchers, they embarked on a quest to uncover what truly tickled the fancy of their most loyal drama subscribers. Through a series of qualitative and quantitative research—surveys, focus groups, video diary studies, and a data synthesis phase that would have made Sherlock Holmes proud—Netflix set out to decode the secrets of viewer preferences.

I’d like to imagine that a royal drumroll echoed through Netflix headquarters the day the findings from a detailed data analysis were presented to Netflix execs—because what they found was that drama-viewers needed a show that blended a real-world familiar and captivating tale with glamor and fantasy. The hunger for regal drama was undeniable, and Netflix was determined to deliver the juicy real-life scandals lurking behind highly-guarded palace doors.

I was in the room at PBS over a decade ago when we conducted image-based projective interviews to uncover what audiences loved about Downton Abbey. This feels very similar because when I read about the findings of real-world + fantasy, it all made sense.

"The Crown" was born out of market research as a way to transport viewers into the heart of British royalty, mixing real-world with fantasy and storytelling evoking a range of emotions. As Netflix, armed with market research insights, embarked on a quest to recreate the grandeur of Buckingham Palace and the stories that unfolded within its walls, it wasn't just about recreating lavish costumes and extravagant sets. Netflix knew that compelling characters were the lifeblood of any gripping drama. Through their extensive research, they discovered that viewers yearned for characters who were not just regal figures, but relatable individuals with flaws and vulnerabilities. They sought actors who could bring these complex characters to life, captivating audiences with their nuanced performances.

Netflix proved to be a master craftsman when it came to storytelling. They expertly wove historical events with a touch of creative freedom, captivating viewers with the intrigue, political machinations, and personal struggles that unfolded on screen.

I mean, as a viewer, how many of us found ourselves googling “Did X really happen?” I know I sure did!

Each episode felt like a regal tapestry, meticulously crafted to keep viewers on the edge of their seats, eagerly anticipating the next dramatic twist.

But Netflix's market research efforts didn't end there. Oh no, they were just getting started. As "The Crown" continued to grace screens across the globe season after season, Netflix remained vigilant in their quest to understand audience reactions and sentiments. They read the room like a seasoned royal advisor, using viewer feedback to shape the direction of the series. It was a dynamic dance between creators and audience as researchers at Netflix closely monitored social media chatter, read viewer reviews, and analyzed engagement metrics, all in a bid to ensure that the royal drama hit all the right notes. With each passing season, Netflix utilized this invaluable feedback to refine their storytelling and character arcs, ensuring that "The Crown" remained a captivating and immersive experience for viewers. It was a delicate dance between creator and audience, a symbiotic relationship that propelled the series to new heights of excellence.

So, the next time you find yourself captivated by the grandeur and drama of "The Crown," remember that it was not just the magic of Netflix's storytelling prowess at work. It was the result of their commitment to understanding their audience, their willingness to listen to viewer preferences, and their dedication to turning market research into captivating on-screen royalty.

And… in case you’re interested, this isn’t the first time market research has brought new Netflix shows into creation. In fact, “Stranger Things” was another example where this market research process was repeated exactly. In this case, Netflix's market researchers noticed a key trend they were able to capitalize on: an insatiable craving for '80s nostalgia. Armed with this knowledge, they crafted a series that transported us back to a time of neon colors, big hair, and epic adventures. By tapping into our collective love for sci-fi, horror, and heartwarming coming-of-age tales, "Stranger Things" became a cultural phenomenon.

Netflix’s success stems not from a royal marriage, but from a perfect marriage—a marriage of data and creativity. Research-driven content decisions fuel the creative process, resulting in shows that capture our imaginations, make us laugh, cry, and question the fabric of reality. It's a harmonious blend of storytelling and strategy, where numbers and narratives come together to create entertainment that keeps us hooked.

But here's the thing: Netflix doesn't rest on its laurels. They're constantly pushing boundaries, experimenting with new genres, and uncovering untapped storytelling territories. Their content creators are consistently armed with market research insights, constantly seeking the next big thing to keep us glued to our screens.

Lights, camera, market research—Netflix has truly mastered the art of turning data-driven insights into unforgettable entertainment experiences.


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